Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Today I Woke Up In Kenya

Today I woke up in Kenya. I know this seems like a pretty obvious statement to you, seems pretty obvious to me also, since I’ve come to Kenya to do my Discipleship Training School with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Yet at the same time it seems so out there, I mean for one I’m in Kenya! I just wasn’t sure it was all quite real, like when I woke up all of my travel would just have been a dream and I’d be back in NOVA like any other day, but that’s not how things are.

I mean even my travel didn't really feel real. I remember being in airports, I remember flying, I remember sleeping a lot, yet it all just feels like a blur. I remember it being there but it all just feels like it didn't really happen, looking at it sort of feels like a nonexistent two days culminating in me ending up in a completely different country.

Even the first day just felt surreal, like it wasn't happening. A big part of this I think had to do with me getting into the Nairobi Airport at 4 Am and having to wait there for another student for 3 hours. After that followed an hour and a half car ride to base, it all just seemed to be a weird lull in life, mixed in with me trying to wrap my brain around being in Kenya. After that I got to base, was introduced to people, which just went over my head because I was so tired, went to church which was extremely long, came back to the base and spent the day trying to adjust. All of it seems to just run together into one blur of things all coming down to me going to bed in my new "home" and putting me where i started this off, waking up in Kenya, half expecting to still be in NOVA.

All in all this all still seems pretty unreal, I feel like at anytime I could just find myself sitting at home like any other time. Yet the parts that do feel real are exciting, I mean I'm in Kenya about to start a whole new adventure in life! It might just take me awhile to really get on a grasp on the fact that I'm going to be waking up in Kenya many, many more times before I really do find myself back in NOVA. But until then I'll just have to get used to being a Temporary Kenyan.

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