Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Close Call

So last night I had my first really eventful thing to happen since being here. You see all of the African guys on the base (which is all the guys except for me) wanted to go out for a midnight prayer session, which I was completely cool with doing. They wanted to do this because in African tradition peoples destinies are decided between midnight and 3 AM. All of it seems innocent enough, but that’s where the story gets a little more interesting. You see none of the guys decided to tell the staff or the watchmen that we would be going out at this time of night, this was sort of a problem. The watchmen saw us and went and got a few of the guy staff members all of which came out to the field with machetes, however before they got to us they realized we were students and went back to bed, never actually tell us they were there. Regardless we had a bunch of people ready to attack us with machetes in the middle of the night, exciting right? All the while we remained blissfully unaware till the next morning. All in all I'd say it was a good night haha. So that’s my exciting first adventure in Kenya, so until next time I'll continue being a Temporary Kenyan...if I don’t get attacked with a machete by my own staffers haha!

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